Category: RE Investors

Ask For $$CASH$$ With The Deed!!

Hey, don’t knock it til you try it, right? THE DADS have had many situtions where the seller’s lien balance was too high for our offer to work, so instead of just walking away from the opportunity, THE DADS decided to just ask for cash from the seller. ….AND IT WORKED!!! THE DADS have had …

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Who’s Calling Who?

GET MOTIVATED SELLERS CALLING YOU! Here is a little ditty I pulled from a recent email where I was trying to give some helpful advice to a newbie real estate investor on first things first. I think it says it all. Enjoy! ——————————————————————————————————— THE DADS normally tell any newbie investor that contacts us with questions …

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Trade Your “Junk” Leads For $$CASH$$

Lately, THE DADS have noticed that our peers (other real estate investors) and Realtors that we have spoken to about the concept of short sale leads, seem to come in 3 flavors, let me share them with you here: 1. They define a short sale lead way differently than we do and therefore either dismiss the lead …

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Not Original | But It Is KICK BUTT!!

Ok, I know this is cheesy and not original….I saw it in another guy’s blog…..but it is KICK BUTT!! ….and shall we say, “it’s on topic”! Plus, it was a good excuse for me to learn how to embed a video….so there’s the truth! …Enjoy! CALLOWAY – I WANNA BE RICH Related Posts:Dad Life Video