Jack Burns

Author's posts

Who’s Calling Who?

GET MOTIVATED SELLERS CALLING YOU! Here is a little ditty I pulled from a recent email where I was trying to give some helpful advice to a newbie real estate investor on first things first. I think it says it all. Enjoy! ——————————————————————————————————— THE DADS normally tell any newbie investor that contacts us with questions …

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Trade Your “Junk” Leads For $$CASH$$

Lately, THE DADS have noticed that our peers (other real estate investors) and Realtors that we have spoken to about the concept of short sale leads, seem to come in 3 flavors, let me share them with you here: 1. They define a short sale lead way differently than we do and therefore either dismiss the lead …

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Not Original | But It Is KICK BUTT!!

Ok, I know this is cheesy and not original….I saw it in another guy’s blog…..but it is KICK BUTT!! ….and shall we say, “it’s on topic”! Plus, it was a good excuse for me to learn how to embed a video….so there’s the truth! …Enjoy! CALLOWAY – I WANNA BE RICH Related Posts:Dad Life Video

Wholesaling The “Boogeyman”!

Recently someone sent to me an email that seemed to indicate they wanted to wholesale a property and hoped we would be their excited buyer for their good deal. But they did not have the property under contract….I call that a “boogeyman” deal!! What do I mean by “boogeyman”? What I mean by calling it a …

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